Julinek – Bazą Cyrkową

After the Second World War , the National Directorate of Circuses was established, based in Łódź, the first traveling circuses were also created (from 1949 as part of the United Entertainment Enterprises ). In 1950, the circus base with training and technical facilities was established in Julinek, in 1967 the State Circus School was also established at the circus base in Julinek.

The former winter quarters and circus base of the Polish State Circus. Current home of the Polish State Circus School. After 20 years of desertion the old circus base is being renovated and put back into use for the State owned Circus School and as a playground park with hotel and restaurants where families can spend time together. In 2016 one could still see the old big cat cages and tunnel into the rehearsal ring which was being renovated. The elephant stables as well as the exotic animal stables, they are all still there. Only the animals are no longer there.

See the State School of Circus Art pictures here >>


Bazą Cyrkową Julinek / CIRCUS BASE
Nowadays: Parku Rozrywki Julinek

Julinek 1 05-084 Julinek
